
Configuration for a timeouts, retries and seed for Ragas operations.

param timeout:

Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a single operation, by default 60.

type timeout:

int, optional

param max_retries:

Maximum number of retry attempts, by default 10.

type max_retries:

int, optional

param max_wait:

Maximum wait time (in seconds) between retries, by default 60.

type max_wait:

int, optional

param max_workers:

Maximum number of concurrent workers, by default 16.

type max_workers:

int, optional

param exception_types:

Exception types to catch and retry on, by default (Exception,).

type exception_types:

Union[Type[BaseException], Tuple[Type[BaseException], …]], optional

param log_tenacity:

Whether to log retry attempts using tenacity, by default False.

type log_tenacity:

bool, optional

param seed:

Random seed for reproducibility, by default 42.

type seed:

int, optional


Random number generator initialized with the specified seed.




The __post_init__ method initializes the rng attribute as a numpy random number generator using the specified seed.