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Context Precision

Context Precision is a metric that measures the proportion of relevant chunks in the retrieved_contexts. It is calculated as the mean of the precision@k for each chunk in the context. Precision@k is the ratio of the number of relevant chunks at rank k to the total number of chunks at rank k.

\[ \text{Context Precision@K} = \frac{\sum_{k=1}^{K} \left( \text{Precision@k} \times v_k \right)}{\text{Total number of relevant items in the top } K \text{ results}} \]
\[ \text{Precision@k} = {\text{true positives@k} \over (\text{true positives@k} + \text{false positives@k})} \]

Where \(K\) is the total number of chunks in retrieved_contexts and \(v_k \in \{0, 1\}\) is the relevance indicator at rank \(k\).

LLM Based Context Precision

The following metrics uses LLM to identify if a retrieved context is relevant or not.

Context Precision without reference

LLMContextPrecisionWithoutReference metric is can be used when you have both retrieved contexts and also reference contexts associated with a user_input. To estimate if a retrieved contexts is relevant or not this method uses the LLM to compare each of the retrieved context or chunk present in retrieved_contexts with response.


from ragas import SingleTurnSample
from ragas.metrics import LLMContextPrecisionWithoutReference

context_precision = LLMContextPrecisionWithoutReference()

sample = SingleTurnSample(
    user_input="Where is the Eiffel Tower located?",
    response="The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris.",
    retrieved_contexts=["The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris."], 

await context_precision.single_turn_ascore(sample)

Context Precision with reference

LLMContextPrecisionWithReference metric is can be used when you have both retrieved contexts and also reference answer associated with a user_input. To estimate if a retrieved contexts is relevant or not this method uses the LLM to compare each of the retrieved context or chunk present in retrieved_contexts with reference.


from ragas import SingleTurnSample
from ragas.metrics import LLMContextPrecisionWithReference

context_precision = LLMContextPrecisionWithReference()

sample = SingleTurnSample(
    user_input="Where is the Eiffel Tower located?",
    reference="The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris.",
    retrieved_contexts=["The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris."], 

await context_precision.single_turn_ascore(sample)

Non LLM Based Context Precision

The following metrics uses traditional methods to identify if a retrieved context is relevant or not. You can use any non LLM based metrics as distance measure to identify if a retrieved context is relevant or not.

Context Precision with reference contexts

NonLLMContextPrecisionWithReference metric is can be used when you have both retrieved contexts and also reference contexts associated with a user_input. To estimate if a retrieved contexts is relevant or not this method uses the LLM to compare each of the retrieved context or chunk present in retrieved_contexts with each ones present in reference_contexts.


from ragas import SingleTurnSample
from ragas.metrics import NonLLMContextPrecisionWithReference

context_precision = NonLLMContextPrecisionWithReference()

sample = SingleTurnSample(
    retrieved_contexts=["The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris."], 
    reference_contexts=["Paris is the capital of France.", "The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous landmarks in Paris."]

await context_precision.single_turn_ascore(sample)