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Execution based metrics

In these metrics the resulting SQL is compared after executing the SQL query on the database and then comparing the response with the expected results.

DataCompy Score

DataCompyScore metric uses DataCompy, a python library that compares two pandas DataFrames. It provides a simple interface to compare two DataFrames and provides a detailed report of the differences. In this metric the response is executed on the database and the resulting data is compared with the expected data, ie reference. To enable comparison both response and reference should be in the form of a Comma-Separated Values as shown in the example.

Dataframes can be compared across rows or columns. This can be configured using mode parameter.

If mode is row then the comparison is done row-wise. If mode is column then the comparison is done column-wise.

\[ \text{Precision } = {|\text{Number of matching rows in response and reference}| \over |\text{Total number of rows in response}|} \]
\[ \text{Precision } = {|\text{Number of matching rows in response and reference}| \over |\text{Total number of rows in reference}|} \]

By default, the mode is set to row, and metric is F1 score which is the harmonic mean of precision and recall.

from ragas.metrics import DataCompyScore
from ragas.dataset_schema import SingleTurnSample

data1 = """acct_id,dollar_amt,name,float_fld,date_fld
10000001234,123.45,George Maharis,14530.1555,2017-01-01
10000001235,0.45,Michael Bluth,1,2017-01-01
10000001236,1345,George Bluth,,2017-01-01
10000001237,123456,Bob Loblaw,345.12,2017-01-01
10000001238,1.05,Lucille Bluth,,2017-01-01
10000001238,1.05,Loose Seal Bluth,,2017-01-01

data2 = """acct_id,dollar_amt,name,float_fld
10000001234,123.4,George Michael Bluth,14530.155
10000001235,0.45,Michael Bluth,
10000001236,1345,George Bluth,1
10000001237,123456,Robert Loblaw,345.12
10000001238,1.05,Loose Seal Bluth,111
sample = SingleTurnSample(response=data1, reference=data2)
scorer = DataCompyScore()
await scorer.single_turn_ascore(sample)
To change the mode to column-wise comparison, set the mode parameter to column.

scorer = DataCompyScore(mode="column", metric="recall")

Non Execution based metrics

Executing SQL queries on the database can be time-consuming and sometimes not feasible. In such cases, we can use non-execution based metrics to evaluate the SQL queries. These metrics compare the SQL queries directly without executing them on the database.

SQL Query Semantic equivalence

LLMSQLEquivalence is a metric that can be used to evaluate the equivalence of response query with reference query. The metric also needs database schema to be used when comparing queries, this is inputted in reference_contexts. This metric is a binary metric, with 1 indicating that the SQL queries are semantically equivalent and 0 indicating that the SQL queries are not semantically equivalent.

from ragas.metrics import LLMSQLEquivalence
from ragas.dataset_schema import SingleTurnSample

sample = SingleTurnSample(
        SELECT p.product_name, SUM(oi.quantity) AS total_quantity
        FROM order_items oi
        JOIN products p ON oi.product_id = p.product_id
        GROUP BY p.product_name;
        SELECT p.product_name, COUNT(oi.quantity) AS total_quantity
        FROM order_items oi
        JOIN products p ON oi.product_id = p.product_id
        GROUP BY p.product_name;
        Table order_items:
        - order_item_id: INT
        - order_id: INT
        - product_id: INT
        - quantity: INT
        Table products:
        - product_id: INT
        - product_name: VARCHAR
        - price: DECIMAL

scorer = LLMSQLEquivalence()
scorer.llm = openai_model
await scorer.single_turn_ascore(sample)