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Bases: BaseSample

Represents a sample in a test set.


Name Type Description
eval_sample Union[SingleTurnSample, MultiTurnSample]

The evaluation sample, which can be either a single-turn or multi-turn sample.

synthesizer_name str

The name of the synthesizer used to generate this sample.


Bases: BaseModel

A packet of testset samples to be uploaded to the server.

Testset dataclass

Testset(samples: List[TestsetSample], run_id: str = lambda: str(uuid4())(), cost_cb: Optional[CostCallbackHandler] = None)

Bases: RagasDataset[TestsetSample]

Represents a test set containing multiple test samples.


Name Type Description
samples List[TestsetSample]

A list of TestsetSample objects representing the samples in the test set.


to_evaluation_dataset() -> EvaluationDataset

Converts the Testset to an EvaluationDataset.

Source code in src/ragas/testset/synthesizers/
def to_evaluation_dataset(self) -> EvaluationDataset:
    Converts the Testset to an EvaluationDataset.
    return EvaluationDataset(
        samples=[sample.eval_sample for sample in self.samples]


to_list() -> List[Dict]

Converts the Testset to a list of dictionaries.

Source code in src/ragas/testset/synthesizers/
def to_list(self) -> t.List[t.Dict]:
    Converts the Testset to a list of dictionaries.
    list_dict = []
    for sample in self.samples:
        sample_dict = sample.eval_sample.model_dump(exclude_none=True)
        sample_dict["synthesizer_name"] = sample.synthesizer_name
    return list_dict

from_list classmethod

from_list(data: List[Dict]) -> Testset

Converts a list of dictionaries to a Testset.

Source code in src/ragas/testset/synthesizers/
def from_list(cls, data: t.List[t.Dict]) -> Testset:
    Converts a list of dictionaries to a Testset.
    # first create the samples
    samples = []
    for sample in data:
        synthesizer_name = sample["synthesizer_name"]
        # remove the synthesizer name from the sample
        # the remaining sample is the eval_sample
        eval_sample = sample

        # if user_input is a list it is MultiTurnSample
        if "user_input" in eval_sample and not isinstance(
            eval_sample.get("user_input"), list
            eval_sample = SingleTurnSample(**eval_sample)
            eval_sample = MultiTurnSample(**eval_sample)

                eval_sample=eval_sample, synthesizer_name=synthesizer_name
    # then create the testset
    return Testset(samples=samples)


total_tokens() -> Union[List[TokenUsage], TokenUsage]

Compute the total tokens used in the evaluation.

Source code in src/ragas/testset/synthesizers/
def total_tokens(self) -> t.Union[t.List[TokenUsage], TokenUsage]:
    Compute the total tokens used in the evaluation.
    if self.cost_cb is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "The Testset was not configured for computing cost. Please provide a token_usage_parser function to TestsetGenerator to compute cost."
    return self.cost_cb.total_tokens()


total_cost(cost_per_input_token: Optional[float] = None, cost_per_output_token: Optional[float] = None) -> float

Compute the total cost of the evaluation.

Source code in src/ragas/testset/synthesizers/
def total_cost(
    cost_per_input_token: t.Optional[float] = None,
    cost_per_output_token: t.Optional[float] = None,
) -> float:
    Compute the total cost of the evaluation.
    if self.cost_cb is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "The Testset was not configured for computing cost. Please provide a token_usage_parser function to TestsetGenerator to compute cost."
    return self.cost_cb.total_cost(


Bases: str, Enum

Enumeration of query lengths. Available options are: LONG, MEDIUM, SHORT


Bases: str, Enum

Enumeration of query styles. Available options are: MISSPELLED, PERFECT_GRAMMAR, POOR_GRAMMAR, WEB_SEARCH_LIKE


Bases: BaseModel

Base class for representing a scenario for generating test samples.


Name Type Description
nodes List[Node]

List of nodes involved in the scenario.

style QueryStyle

The style of the query.

length QueryLength

The length of the query.

persona Persona

A persona associated with the scenario.

SingleHopSpecificQuerySynthesizer dataclass

SingleHopSpecificQuerySynthesizer(name: str = 'single_hop_specifc_query_synthesizer', llm: BaseRagasLLM = llm_factory(), generate_query_reference_prompt: PydanticPrompt = QueryAnswerGenerationPrompt(), theme_persona_matching_prompt: PydanticPrompt = ThemesPersonasMatchingPrompt(), property_name: str = 'entities')

Bases: SingleHopQuerySynthesizer

MultiHopSpecificQuerySynthesizer dataclass

MultiHopSpecificQuerySynthesizer(name: str = 'multi_hop_specific_query_synthesizer', llm: BaseRagasLLM = llm_factory(), generate_query_reference_prompt: PydanticPrompt = QueryAnswerGenerationPrompt(), relation_type: str = 'entities_overlap', property_name: str = 'entities', theme_persona_matching_prompt: PydanticPrompt = ThemesPersonasMatchingPrompt())

Bases: MultiHopQuerySynthesizer

Synthesizes overlap based queries by choosing specific chunks and generating a keyphrase from them and then generating queries based on that.


Name Type Description
generate_query_prompt PydanticPrompt

The prompt used for generating the query.